Strategi Inovatif Pemberantasan Hama Jagung Dengan Sistem Fuzzy Dan Iot Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas (Studi Kasus Pemberantasan Hama Jagung Di Ponorogo)
Corn Pest Eradication, Productivity, Farmer Losses, Pest Control, Technological Innovation, Use of TechnologistsAbstract
Corn pest control is a significant challenge for corn farmers in Indonesia. Pests can cause substantial losses for farmers, especially if left unattended. Therefore, innovative strategies are needed to enhance productivity and reduce farmer losses. This study explores the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in innovative corn pest control strategies. The study aims to investigate how IoT can assist corn farmers in monitoring and controlling pests, thereby enhancing productivity and reducing losses.The study employs a case study approach, focusing on the application of IoT technology in corn pest control. Data collection involves field observations, interviews with farmers, and analysis of existing literature. The findings indicate that IoT technology can significantly improve the accuracy and speed of pest monitoring, enabling farmers to make more informed decisions about pest control.The study concludes that the integration of IoT technology into corn pest control strategies can lead to increased productivity and reduced losses for farmers. The findings of this study contribute to the development of innovative and effective pest control strategies, ultimately benefiting the corn farming industry in Indonesia.
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