Apakah Beban Kerja Karyawan Benar-Benar Beban Kerja Bagi Karyawan
Stress, Manajemen, KinerjaAbstract
This research aims to reveal whether workload is truly a burden for employees through a literature review. Workload is often considered a negative factor that can affect employee well-being and performance. However, there is also the view that workload can motivate and increase productivity if managed well. To understand this complexity, this research examines various previous studies that discuss the impact of workload on employee well-being and performance. The methodology used is systematic literature observation of relevant journal articles, books and research reports. The study includes an examination of various industry sectors and work cultures, and considers factors such as stress, management support, work environment and work-life balance. The results of the literature review show that high workload is generally associated with increased stress and decreased employee well-being. However, several studies also indicate that a well-managed workload, complemented by management support and a positive work environment, can increase employee motivation and performance. These findings show that workload can be a real burden if not managed well, but can also be a motivational factor under the right conditions.
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